Little Rainbows is a resource created by the Rainbow Families Youth Advisory Council.

The YAC created this resource in hopes that other children of Rainbow Families, and queer/LGBTQ+ identifying people, can feel connected and to celebrate the diversity in their lives.

Included are stories of children and young people living in rainbow families, ways that they've dealt with different challenges, and suggestions about how we can all be our authentic-selves with our loved ones by our side.

We hope you enjoy what you find. In particular, we hope to see young people use this information to feel safe, included and seen, and for others to understand and empathize with these stories. 

Please view our introductory video or read some of it's highlights below.
Please also explore the other resources on this site and feel free to download and share the Little Rainbows PDF

With hopes this resource is useful to you,
Little Rainbows - Rainbow Families Youth Advisory Council (YAC)

Little Rainbows and the activities of the Rainbow Families YAC is for young people aged 9 – 17 with LGBTQ+ parents.

Little Rainbows - The Junior Council offers on opportunity for social connection and age appropriate activities for the young teenagers in our community.

The Senior Council operates more formally and is active in setting advocacy and policy goals, plus develop projects and initiatives for young people and young adults in our community. 

The YAC provides:

  • regular meetings for fun, support and policy development for children of LGBTQ+ parents.
  • a place were young people can find community and feel free to be themselves and feel safe to have those conversations that maybe they can’t have in other places with other people.
  • a place where young people don’t have to constantly explain themselves and their families.
  • previous YAC events and workshops include painting, clay making, drama, cooking, holiday excursions, laser tag.

If you want to join a YAC event, come try it. You’ll meet people with the same kind of families as you, everyone is really kind, and everyone just hangs out and it’s really fun.

You may also visit the Rainbow Families website for updates on Little Rainbows and the YAC.  

Rainbow Families Stories: 

Little Rainbows PDF Resource: 

The Rainbow Families Youth Council created this resource in hopes that other children of Rainbow Families can feel connected, and to celebrate the diversity in our lives. Included in this resource are stories of children and young people living in rainbow families, ways that we’ve dealt with different challenges, and suggestions about how we can all be our authentic selves with our loved ones by our side.  

This one of a kind resource would not have been possible without the support of some amazing people and organisations. Little Rainbows was developed with funding from The Aurora Group who saw the need within the Rainbow Families Community for a resource developed by young people for young people with LGBTQ+ parents.

Little Rainbows was developed with support from the Young and Resilient Research Centre, in the Institute for Culture and Society at Western Sydney University. A special thanks to Amanda Third, Shiva Chandra and Benjamin Hanckel who have worked with our Youth Advisory Council to develop this ground breaking resource.