4. Harassed or bullied online

Here are some other things you can do if you’re being bullied online

4.1 Settings
You can use your privacy and security settings to make sure you only see stuff from people that you want to see.

4.2 Don’t respond
Resist the urge to respond. Block people who are being nasty.

4.3 Screen Shots
Take screen shots of what happens online in case you need to show someone or report it. When reporting, you should first report to the service or platform where the hurtful and harmful content is appearing. This usually means using the ‘report content’ feature. If it is not removed, you can then report it to eSafety. Your report will be kept private and confidential. Check out the eSafety Guide developed by the e-Safety Commissioner, which explains how to report complaints to common services and platforms.

4.4 Educate
Resisting the urge to respond can be good for some people. However, you can also try and educate the bully on why they are being hurtful. You should only do this if you are up for it, as people might not listen, and could say more nasty things. Be polite, and engage in a way that focuses on making a positive difference.

4.5 Reach out early
Make sure you reach out for help before things get too bad. It’s never too soon or too late to ask for help. You can find more information about how to deal with bullying online and other bad behaviour here: https://www.esafety.gov.au/

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