3. Harassed in the real world

Are some people giving you a hard time?

Here are some things you can do if you’re being harassed face-to-face:

3.1 Ignore them.
If you can, it’s best to ignore people who say stupid stuff about you.

3.2 Tell someone you trust.
If people are saying things that make you feel bad, tell someone you trust about it. It might be an adult, or a friend. Anyone who is good at listening.

3.3 Hotlines.
If you can’t think of someone to tell who will listen without judging you, try reaching out to a hotline. There are links to some good ones at the end of this resource. Of course, if you are at risk of immediate harm, call Triple Zero (000).

3.4 Shake it off.
Do something you enjoy to make yourself feel better - like go for a walk, or meet up with friends.

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